Black Lab just Diagnosed with Appendicular Osteosarcoma

Black Lab just Diagnosed with Appendicular Osteosarcoma

by Teresa

My handsome male Black Lab, Shade, who is 9 years old, was just diagnosed with Appendicular Osteosarcoma last week and has approximately 1-2 months to live.

This was a shock to us since he was diagnosed with arthritis in the spine last year. He started limping about 6 weeks ago, and we just thought he may have just landed on it the wrong way charging down the steps off our deck after our neighbor's cat who likes to hang out in our yard or maybe it was the arthritis. It seemed to get better and he stopped limping for a while.

Then in the past two weeks he started limping again and his leg was swelling. We took him to the vet where they physically examined him and took an x-ray.

Long story short, I believe that he was misdiagnosed a year ago with the arthritis and really had bone cancer that started in the spine. He is too far along and has too many other problems with hip dysplasia and his spinal problem to go with the normal course of treatment of amputation, chemo and radiation. Plus they believe that it has already metastasized to the lungs because of his breathing condition. So we were sent home in shock with pain and anti-inflammatory meds to keep him comfortable.

After being overwhelmed with researching online all the alternative treatments, vitamins, supplements, tonics, diets, etc., I have come to the conclusion that we are going to try a natural, semi-raw diet consisting of various meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, some fruits and oats along with several vitamins, supplements and extracts that I ordered. I have started transitioning him with feeding him a mixture of his regular kibble along with some of the new foods and giving him some of the vitamins that I was able to purchase locally. I figure that I will have him eating a completely natural diet by next week. I still haven't received the special antioxidant extracts yet, so I haven't started him on them.

I don't know if it is helping him or not, but so far he really seems to be enjoying the variety of new wholesome foods that I have introduced and looks with interest when I am preparing his meals. I figure that we have nothing to lose in trying them and at the very least will make his remaining time hopefully as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.

Also, we are surrounding him with love and attention along with spending special moments by taking him to all his favorite places out on the boat and at the park and making lasting memories of our time together with our family.

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Feb 13, 2012
Shade the black lab
by: sherrill knill

My dog is also a 9 year old black lab named Sammy.

He was just diagnosed 3 weeks ago with osteocarcinoma in his left front leg. We decided not to give any treatment, such as chemo, radiation, or cutting off his leg. The vet gave us 2 months. He has been taking pain medication and I have just ordered some essiac tea for him that supposedly cures cancer. I will also try weaning him off of his grain food and into chicken, and brown rice.

He tries to run and when he does, he pays for it dearly. We take him out on a leash all the time now. His pain seems to be getting worse. I hope I'm not too late with the tea.

Sorry to hear about Shade, but his story is so similar to Sammy's I had to write. His favorite toy is also a squirrel.

Aug 25, 2011
Shade lost the fight with cancer
by: Teresa

Our loyal and lovable companion lost his fight with bone cancer 8/24/2011. Too late for the natural remedies and diet change to help; the tumor grew enormous rapidly within the two weeks that he was diagnosed. He started falling around, was unable to get up, and had little energy to raise his head anymore. In obvious pain, even with meds, and at 125lbs I was not able to get him up. He decided that he had enough as he stopped drinking that morning and wouldn't drink anymore even with an eye dropper. He gave me a look that said I love you Mom, but I have had enough.

With a kiss to each of his human family and even the vet he was put to sleep peacefully and painlessly. We laid him to rest on our property with his favorite stuffed squirrel. Though I wish we had more time with our big boy, we laugh with joy as we remember the many fun moments and special times spent with him. Rest in peace, Shade. As it says in the bible that the lions will lie down with the lambs, so I also believe that the doggies will lie down with the kitties. There is a special place in heaven for all creatures, especially our pet friends.

To those who have new puppies or seemingly healthy adult dogs, please don't blindly trust a diagnosis from your vet without having tests taken or a second opinion. A vet is not infallible and can make human mistakes of misdiagnosing cancer with symptoms that may mimic other health issues like athritis as in my lab. With much research, I have learned so much that I wish I would have known before, such as how a more natural no-grain raw food diet, vitamins, supplements, herbs and oils help your pet maintain a strong immune system and remain healthy. I have another dog, who is sorely missing her friend, that I have started on this new diet that I hope will help her stay healthy and be able to fight this nasty disease that takes so many of our pets lives.

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