Fighting K9 Cancer with Herbs and Supplements

Fighting K9 Cancer with Herbs and Supplements

by Ted


Just found out my 13 yr old small lab (27kg) has inoperable cancer in two areas of her lung, and her spleen is also enlarged.

Vets have said she only has possibly a week to a month before she will succumb to the cancer or the secondary ailments it may cause.

The only treatment they have prescribed is palliative i.e. steroids - 2 x 5g Prednisolone per day.

She also receives Tramadol, a 50mg tablet if and when required to combat the arthritis in her joints.

Although I am very upset I would like to try and prolong my dog's life especially if she still has some quality of life as she does just now, i.e. eating, drinking, able to have walks and do her business whilst in no pain.

After doing some research on this site and others, I have purchased quite a few antioxidant caps, herbs and herbal tablets etc which I have combined with the recommended cancer diet of high protein/fat and no grains.

The following is the various vitamins, antioxidants, herbs, amino acids, fish oils, apple cider vinegar I have started to mix in with her food which I have had to split into 3 or 4 smaller amounts per day to ease pressure on her trachea when the stomach expands due to it being full:

Omega-3 1000MG
Flaxseed oil 1000MG
Echinacea 70MG
Selenium 200?G (Not sure about the amount per tablet)
Green Tea 1000MG
Vitamin C 60MG
Vitamin E 168MG
Garlic caps 200MG
Iron caps 14MG
Glucosamine &
chondroitin 1000MG
Turmeric Sprinkled on food
Ginger Sprinkled on food
Apple Cider V Half teaspoon in food

I am also looking to purchase the following:

Cat's claw, red clover, milk thistle, astragalus, argarine, prozyme (digestive enzymes).

After a week I took my dog back to the vets yesterday who was pleased to see she was actually looking better than the previous visit. I told him I have been trying alternative medicines and he basically said if it is helping the dog keep it going and wants to see her in 4 weeks!

What I would like to ask from people on the forum is for any recommendations for any cancer remedies I may be missing. Also any assistance regarding the ACTUAL AMOUNTS to give my dog daily so I don't poison her.

Also any info on certain herbs, spices, vitamins, etc., I have to be aware of which can harm the dog if overdosing on the amounts?

I wish you all well in your endeavours whilst like me you fight to keep your best friend with you for as long as is possible!!

Many thanks.

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Apr 12, 2012
LDN therapy for dogs
by: Denise

I hope your dog is still doing better! I would look into LDN therapy also -- you can google it and it should come up. It is Low Dose Naltrexone -- a generic drug that has shown great promise in people with MS and autoimmune diseases and also in dogs with cancer. I have my dog on many of the same supplements that you are using and he is doing the LDN therapy as well and is doing really well. He has lymphoma and was given a month to live -- each time I go back to the vet his tumors are shrinking, and some are completely gone already.

I hope this gives you more time with your dog -- they really are a gift from God and I can't imagine my life without my puppy. I will be praying for your dog!

Good luck and God bless you,

Mar 02, 2012
Anushke diagnosed with melanoma which has spread to lymph system
by: Reinette


I had a skin lump removed from my 12 year old husky/german shepherd called Anushke 2 days ago - diagnosed as melanoma. A sonar today revealed that it has spread to her lymphatic system. She has 2 (1 x 7cm and 1x 8cm) lumps located close to her liver, on either side of where the aorta branches.

This makes surgery very difficult. My heart is broken and I can't stop crying. She has absolutely no symptoms at the moment.

Is there anyone that can help with the following please:

- A protein/fat diet that has proved to work;
- Exact quantities of herbs to be given.

Thank you.


Jan 22, 2012
Our friend has gone!
by: Ted


Just thought I would update everyone who added to my post and others who may have followed the situation.

Sadly my best pal had to be put to sleep on Thursday night.....we are totally devastated.

She was doing ok but you could see she was beginning to struggle with her walkies and had actually began to limp in the last few days.

On Thursday she collapsed in the evening due to not being able to breathe properly so we rushed her to the vets. By the time we arrived thankfully she had settled down again and was breathing ok but looked totally shattered... she could not stand either. The vet checked her over and explained he could get no sound from one lung and the other was working but not near properly so said it would be best thing to put her to sleep as she had fought enough.

I was not totally ready to make this final decision so wanted to check IF she COULD walk first. Sadly she tried but was too tired and started to struggle for breath again... At this she looked at me as if to say, "I am sooo tired, let me go dad." So I sadly agreed to let her go.

She went very peacefully with her head cradled in my arms and licking my hand which smelt of her favorite chews she had been chomping on a couple of mins before the drugs were given. We as a family are totally devastated but deep down it was the correct and most loving thing to do for my old friend.

She will be missed always but she will NEVER be forgotten. Her ashes come home this week and we will visit a couple of her favorite places before making a nice resting place for her in our garden.

Hopefully she is up at the rainbow bridge playing like she used to with her old doggie pals. Well that's how we will remember her anyway until I meet her again...xxxx

Jan 03, 2012
Grain-free or Not
by: Hazel

Hi, Ted,

Glad to know that your dog is OK.

The best option for a canine cancer diet is a high-fat, low-carb, grain-free diet.

However, some dog parents, for whatever reason, like to include grains in the diet. If that's the case, whole grains (e.g. oat, barley, brown rice) are recommended as they contain more nutrients.

Since it is important that your dog eats her meals, and if she loves oat, it is OK to give her small amounts (maybe gradually increasing the proteins and fats and decreasing the grains and carbs so that she can get used to the change easier.) The most important thing is that SHE EATS ENOUGH food so her body has the energy and nutrients to fight cancer.

Hope this helps and good luck :)

Jan 02, 2012
Dog has lung cancer given only month at best to live
by: zulu9

Hi and thank you to everyone who has left me some info and words of encouragement; it is nice of you.

Dog is doing ok still has problems with heavy breathing after eating food and when given her the steroid tablets which I was warned about from the vets.

I have another question re types of food to give my dog...

I understand that when giving a cancer diet it is best to avoid grains... what I need to double check is would this also mean avoidance of PORRIDGE OATS too as my dog loves it??


Jan 01, 2012
All the best - You are doing quite well.
by: Scott L.

I would like to commend you on doing so well to doing your best friend the favor of keeping her alive. I hope you both get as much from it as you can - as you know, they don't live forever. This is something that seems to knock us over as their time runs near. It is a hard thing to brace for. I wish you well my friend, as you struggle to reach the end gracefully with your companion. It is after this point that it seems we see the depth of the hole we find ourselves standing in. Remember, there is light at the top. I hope you see it.

Jan 01, 2012
Herbs and Supplements
by: Hazel, Site Editor

Hi, Ted,

Sorry to hear about your Lab. I hope she is hanging in there and is staying strong.

I think the herbs and supplements you are giving her now are good, but it seems that the amount of Selenium is quite high. Recommended dosage is 0.11-0.22 mg/kg of food for dogs. You may want to adjust the dosage. Selenium is best taken with Vitamin E.

If you are worried about giving too many supplements/herbs to your dog, try to rotate the herbs. For example, use echinacea for 1 week, stop for 1-2 days, and then rotate to astragalus for 1 week, and so on.

From what other dog parents (on this forum and others) have said, flaxseed oil and cottage cheese (Budwig diet) and ESSIAC tea (an herbal remedy) seem to work quite well. You may want to try these 2 remedies as well.

Good luck and keep us informed of progress!

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