My Precious Bailey has Bone Cancer
by Eric
(Hopkinton, MA )
Bailey came into my life 2 years ago, she is a beautiful fawn 6 year old girl Great Dane.
She has changed my life greatly in the short time I have known her. I use to tell my fiance that I would never get another breed, that Great Danes were the only dog for me, but after today I can't manage to think to go through this pain every 6-10 years.
Today I took Bailey to the vet, she was lame on one paw, and very mopey. We hoped that she had pulled a muscle digging in the yard. After hours of x-rays, we learned that Bailey has a mast cell tumor in her and it has spread to bone cancer in her front paw. Our world seemed to crumble.
If you have never had a Dane you might not understand the loyalty this dog has. She will never leave your side, cries to sleep in bed with us, she continues even to this day as sick as she is to show her undivided attention to us.
Even though she has been diagnosed with fatal bone cancer and continues to cripple, she still fights the urge to stand and nuzzle you, and wag her tail. I can't even begin to tell you how much love this dog has shown us. She is very a brave girl, and most likely has been sick for a while but never has shown us. Almost like she doesn't want us to be nervous for her.
She has brought so much joy to us, we are very sad to watch her get old and sick. We can't manage to think that one day she won't be part of our lives. We bought a new house a year ago, this is her palace. She loved it - big yard, big house - she could roam anywhere she wanted. She makes our house very special. We are very lucky that we were able to have Christmas with her and she seemed healthy. She was so happy, pawing at her gifts and so excited. It really made my life, I had it all...
So I ask this one thing:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Please bless myself and Amanda to have the strength to get through this difficult time, and bless Bailey the peace she deserves. She is forever in our hearts.
If there is any justice to the love one dog can give and compassion showed to her owners, please ease her pain and let her know that we care very deeply for her.
We continue to monitor her and ease her through this difficult time. I assure you that we cannot give her any more love than we have.
I love you Bailey, you gave me something that I will never forget. You'll always be my buddy and favority dog.