Why My Dog?
by Chris & Lynn Stevens
(Cotswolds, Great Britain)
Star was a rescue dog, we got her when she was just 16 weeks old and was the most manic dog we had ever owned, but then she is a Collie!
It is now a week since we were told that she may have cancer, yes 'may'! The vets did a whole range of tests and sent bloods away but only came back with a 'Maybe' for a cost of £600, though they could not wait to start her on chemo (£2000+), for if they were sure of only one thing it was that chemo had to be the way forward.
Both my wife and I spent days in tears and unable to think in a rational manner, all we could think about was that our seven year old dog was going to die. I would like to say that this letter ends with another 12 months of life for our wonderful, beautiful friend and companion, but the truth is we are both pensioners and the fees asked for by the vets were just impossible for us to raise.
We have had to make the decision to spend as much quality time with our dog as we can and to make sure she has everything she wants in the time left to her. Not what we would want, but this is, I think, the reality for a great many dog owners all over the world and, believe me, when I say it leaves a very bitter taste in the mouth. The up side to all this - We have had many dogs over the years but this wonderful collie has made us happier than we could ever have thought and I'm sure we are better people now than we were 7 years ago because of her!
If we have another few weeks in her company then so be it. She has always given us nothing but love and I hope we returned that love in bucket loads. I know we did and by God we will always miss her with a passion, as we do with all of the other great dogs we have had the honour to have shared our lives with.
Insurance? No we could not afford insurance - not after she reached 5 years old, insurance companies don't want to insure older dogs otherwise they would reduce the premiums, wouldn't they?
We hope this letter helps all those readers who find themselves in a similar position. Please do not beat yourself up if you can't raise the funds for treatment, just remember all the good times.
(Submitted Thursday, April 11, 2013)